Students obtain part-time employment while attending 澳门新普京注册 for various reasons. You may need to work in order to meet educational and living expenses. You may work because you feel the experience could be a valuable part of your education. The skills you obtain from working complement your academic performance and communicate to future employers your ability to succeed in a professional setting.

Studies have shown that students who work do just as well or better academically than non-working students. In addition, working students are more likely to complete a degree program than non-workers. Working part-time allows students to become more “engaged” with their school and community and results in higher satisfaction with college life.

澳门新普京注册 offers a multitude of on-campus student employment opportunities that provides unique and positive, enriching means of gaining hands-on experience that complements academic pursuits.

Apply Today

How to Apply

All student employment positions are posted on the 澳门新普京注册 Human Resources site. Students can have up to two on-campus jobs but cannot exceed 29 hours of work total.

  1. Register
  2. Upload a resumé for approval
  3. Start searching and applying to jobs once your resume has been approved

*If an individual knows the Job ID of the job they are searching for, enter it into the search bar to expedite the application process.

On-Campus Positions

Summer 2025 Student Employment Process

Search Open On-Campus Positions

Graduate Assistantships

Visit the Graduate Student Assistantship page to search and apply for graduate assistantships at 澳门新普京注册.

Student Information About On-Campus Jobs

Requirements for Working an On-Campus Job

Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for student on-campus positions. A Student Assistant (SA) is a part-time employee who is currently enrolled at University of West Georgia (澳门新普京注册) with the primary goal of achieving a degree. Student Assistant positions are jobs located on campus. These jobs can range from clerical to landscaping positions and everything in between. Student Assistants can work up to 29 hours a week during the semester.

Any student currently enrolled in classes can apply for student assistant jobs on the Human Resources Website. However students given a graduate assistantship position cannot also hold a student assistant position.

Before beginning work as a University of West Georgia student employee, among other things you must complete the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9 to verify your eligibility to work in the US. You will need to show Human Resources specific ORIGINAL, UNEXPIRED identification (copies are not permitted), as mandated by the federal government. View the acceptable forms of identification.

In addition, if you have not been paid by 澳门新普京注册 previously, you will need to complete payroll tax forms, a W-4 Employee Withholding Allowance Form and a State of Georgia Withholding Form.
Please Note: An exemption certificate is good for the calendar year. Any employee who claims “EXEMPT” from withholding is required to complete a new W-4 form by February 16th of each year to continue being exempt from the following year. Otherwise, his/her exemption will become single with 0.

All newly hired student employees will need to complete a new hire packet that will be sent by Human Resources.

All student workers and graduate assistants can work a maximum of 29 hours per work week during the Fall and Spring semesters. During Academic Breaks and the Summer Semester student employees are permitted to work up to 40 hours a week.

The 澳门新普京注册 work week is from Saturday through Friday. Your schedule will be set by your supervisor.

View the 2025 Biweekly Payroll Schedule for bi-weekly pay cadence.

Faculty/Staff Information About On-Campus Jobs

Student Employment Posting and Hiring Process

  1. Fill out this Student Employment Job Posting Form.
  2. Wait for communication from Student Employment in Human Resources to notify you of the posted position.
  3. Check applicants in your OneUSG portal under "Manager Self Service" for any open positions.
  4. Fill out the 澳门新普京注册 Student Assistant Hiring Form when you have selected the desired candidates.
  5. Human Resources will then go through the entire approval chain and notify both you and the applicant when they can begin their hiring paperwork.

Helpful Resources